Tuesday, February 28, 2012


As promised, information about the upcoming show where you can view/purchase my newest piece, Dateaclysm.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Illustration Friday: Suspense

This week's entry for Illustration Friday.  Topic: Suspense.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Robert Lee of Methane Studios

Sufjan Stevens Band by Robert Lee

I met Robert last summer at Bonnaroo in Manchester, Tennessee.  I don't know many people (let alone poster artists, who tend to be a rather moody/sulky bunch) that could maintain Robert's level of cheerfulness in that 100-degree-weather, especially after having their tent slashed and robbed.

Aside from being an all-around nice guy, Robert is also one badass illustrator.  His screen prints are incredibly layered and complex and though he uses the computer for some of his work, it always maintains a very hands-on, pencil-and-paintbrush kind of feel.  Originally from Ohio, Robert now works in Atlanta, Georgia at Methane Studios.

Mt. Goats -King by Robert Lee

Chatham County Line -Mandolin by Robert Lee

Original Bird Bike Giclee by Robert Lee